Selasa, 11 Januari 2011
Vacation Rewards Program - a good way to get new customers
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Door hangers are an affordable and effective way to reach clients in your neighborhood. Getting door hangers distributed on a regular basis is half the battle. But even if you hang them on every front door in town, your door hanger still needs to attract attention and then motivate your prospect to contact you. You need a strong offer to get the best results. How about this headline: FREE VACATION with Any Purchase!
Would a free vacation to Disney World, Las Vegas or San Francisco attract new customers? You bet it would. With our new program, now any size firm can afford to launch a Vacation Rewards Program for their business. A free vacation is a great sales incentive. In addition to attracting new clients, it can be used to build loyalty with existing clients. You can also reward customers who send referrals. It can even be used to motivate inactive customers.
With our Vacation Rewards Program, you can present your customer with a travel certificate for hotel accommodations for up to 2 to 6 nights. The only charges your client will pay are hotel taxes and small housekeeping fee (both are usually less than $29 per room, per night). Participating hotels include selected properties operated by Holiday Inn, Howard Johnson, Quality Inn, Travelodge, Radisson and others. The cost for each voucher is less than $4 although they have an actual value of $600 or more. By the way, there are no blackout dates.
Seem too good to be true? Well, this is No sales gimmick. She will not sit customers during the period of high pressure sales pitch shares. You pay like any other views the full price for a treat. How can we do? This program is one of the company, and manages professional hotel reservation. They fill the hotel rooms are not used for more than 24 years old and can be a list of satisfied customers and references. And supports the hotel rooms, bringing the parks tourism and local economies of traffic. AllWin, your client, hotel, local attractions, and restaurants, but it is particularly useful for your business such as this, you will be a new addition to the list of customer satisfaction of our customers.
This program is for records for a period of 12 months from the date of the company. It is paid only once, $ 395 for certificates of apartments and allocation of 100 letters of thanks. Complete instructions are included and promotional ideas with the package. Do not participate in the reservation. All you have to do,Provide a certificate to the client. And the certificate on the competition instructions custody, including the phone number and website is available 24 / 7 and.
Love your customers a free gift at the holidays, you can generate more sales without the deduction of the product or service. Your cost is less than $ 4 for sale and probably much less than the cost of the discounts offered in the past you might have.
Holiday reward programs a number of companies available for yourThe best source to find good is the Internet.

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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