Kamis, 04 Oktober 2007

Press Release - Friends of Maldives

30 September 2007

Following the bombing in Male on the 29th of September 2007 Friends of Maldives (FOM) are surprised by the ridiculous statements from President Gayoom of the Maldives and Government Spokesman Shafiu that FOM, are in some way behind the Male bombing.

In addition they accuse FOM of carrying out a Boycott of Tourism to the Maldives. FOM has never requested tourists NOT to visit the Maldives - the FOM campaign asks tourists to choose a resort not closely associated with the repressive Regime of President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

FOM understand that the bombing has potentially significant ramifications for the Maldives Tourism industry and in solidarity with the people of the Maldives- Friends of Maldives have decided on a TEMPORARY SUSPENSION of the FOM Selected Resorts Boycott Campaign. This will be reviewed at the end of October 2007.

Friends of Maldives maintains the importance of the installation of a liberal and democratic Maldives where tourism and free enterprise can flourish and prosper. The current dictatorship and their refusal to allow a real democracy and respect for human rights will continue to create an environment where criminal activity and extremism will flourish. The international community must be more active in this regard.

Regarding the accusations of FoM being behind this bombing:
"Gayoom has accused me of being a Christian Missionary and also of being an Islamic Terrorist so any statements regarding me or the work of Friends of Maldives should be taken with a pinch of salt and therefore cannot be taken seriously." - David Hardingham, Founder of FOM.

Friends of Maldives thoughts are with the victims and their families and wish them a speedy recovery and a resumption of normal tourist activity in the Maldives.

For further information please contact David Hardingham 0044 7812166453


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